Kingdom Death Wiki

Gambler is a constellation card found in the Dragon King Expansion. This constellation depicts The Gambler entity.

Card Text[]

A face with a jaw split in two stares down at you. Its chins curve away from each other, each with their own mouth.

You find on each of your hands a second middle finger. They move independently and prevent your hands from touching.

Heal all dismembered arm permanent injuries, gain +100 insanity, the Immortal disorder, and the following ability:
Twelve Fingers: You cannot carry two-handed gear. On a Perfect hit, your right hand pulses. Gain +5 insanity and +1 luck for the attack. However, for each natural 1 rolled when attempting to hit, your left hand shakes. Suffer 5 brain damage and -1 luck for the attack.


  • A "natural 1" refers to a die roll that has displays the number one before any modifiers. See: Lantern 10.